DAVID FRIED selected recent works PHOTOGRAMS: In bed with lucy and dolly photograms 1 photograms 2 Rainscapes photography 1 photography 2 Vesicles of endevour photograms 3 SCULPTURES: Self organizing still life movies of interactive sculptures sculptures 1 sculptures 2 Stemmers sculptures 3 sculptures 4 EXHIBITIONS: exhibition views curriculum vitae TEXTS: english - deutsch photograms interactive sculptures interview contacts on site Resolution: 1400 x 1050 © david fried 2013
Self Organizing Still-Life (SOS)
- sound stimulated, kinetic interactive sculptures
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Self Organizing Still-Life (SOS)
acoustically stimulated interactive sculptures
David Fried's "Self Organizing Still-Life" (SOS) is a series of interactive, sound-stimulated kinetic sculptures, which reveal his exploration into the inherent qualities of networked and emergent systems operating far-from-equilibrium intrinsic to nature, individual psyche, communication and social relationships.
Whatever the scale or materials used for the SOS, they all consist of solid hand-made spheres, which are stirred into motion by ambient sound on a predetermined level object. Audible sound is transformed live into waves that silently stimulate each of the spheres into motion. The resulting action of the individual spheres and their interactions with one another are undetermined. They rearrange themselves in continually new patterns of elegantly fluid choreography. Some kiss, some spin off alone, while others race head-on only to meet with a soft embrace, or swerve around one another, often changing the path and destiny of each other without physical contact, as each sphere is able to sense one another.
No two spheres are alike -- each is composed of either solid stone, or synthetic polymers layered with organic materials such as marble dust and rare earth, with no moving parts. The artist infuses them with unique bipolar qualities, and an ability to interact with each other in inimitable and unexpected ways on an elemental level, rather than a mechanical one. Fried is therefore able to give each sphere an individual personality, allowing them to respond and behave differently to sound, and with each new artwork, create an entirely unique interdependent family of individuals that we can influence, but not control.
Like two people would dance differently to the same music, the individual spheres interact in a unique and live choreography directly initiated by its environment.
Physically, the sphere’s interactions create infinite possibilities and outcomes, within a finite resource. Metaphysically, these works can evoke a sense of creative problem solving, where discarding old beliefs, maps and rules are essential for sustainable life within a limited resource, such is our natural world.
As we simultaneously influence and trace the movements of the spheres, our attention becomes increasingly focused on the non-linear dynamic relationships that unfold between them, effectively shifting the emphasis away from the individual objects themselves towards a highly subjective glimpse of a more complex individual picture. Creating a generative interactive experience, these works use simplicity in form combined with complexity of motion to provoke the viewer to forge perspectives on relationships, life and the polyverse of thought.
outdoor interactive sculpture - brussels .play
museum kunstpalast, duesseldorf 2014. play
ritter, "bewegung im quadrat" 2006-7. permanent collection. play
interactive sculpture, HD quality.
installation with.live sound visualization projections. HD quality. play
Video Review / Far from Equilibrium, Solo Exhibition New York, September 2007
Atlanta BG: interactive sculpture GG-1, 2008, 157x 127 x 15 cm. granite, microphone,
mixed media. play
Art Cologne 2008:.interactive sculpture WM-4, 2008, 157x 127 x 52 cm. Marble,
microphone, mixed media. play
sculpture WM-1, duesseldorf. play
excerpt: awarded futura film prize duesseldorf 1998: sos in venice. play
of new york city stimulate this kinetic sculpture. play
würzburg: sculpture moving to stravinsky's rites of spring. play
performance play
interactive sculpture WS-5, 2010. play
Interactive sculpture BG10, 2007, 53 x 63 x 7,5 cm. granite, mixed media.
Scope New York 2008: interactive sculpture BGM-1, 2008, 83 x 63 x 15 cm. granite,
microphone, mixed media. play
Interactive sculpture CS4, 2007, 52 x 62 x 9 cm. cast stone, mixed media.
of the museums" david fried solo at Jörg immendorff's düsseldorf
harbor atelier.
of self organizing still life with stone spheres. play
OF WORDS are a series of "motiongram" prints made with long-exposures
of sculptures reacting to the spoken word. MORE
Dew trails in the morning. private collection, Brussels
Monograph 2018 | KERBER Verlag
Essays by Dr.Sabine Maria Schmidt
Dr.Tim Otto Roth, Carl-Friedrich Schröer
pre final preview
Order at KERBER: https://www.kerberverlag.com/de/david-fried.html